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Monday, November 5, 2007


I came upon a story on stumbleupon today (Stumbleupon FTW!!) that talked about how a kid got suspended for 5 days because he drew a picture of a hand laser with smiley faces on it. The following story can be found at The Deadly Computer Blog

What could have happened

You see that drawing above. Notice how it vaguely resembles a badly drawn gun with happy faces on it and stick figure people playing on it, and a row of apartments in the middle? Well in case you didn’t see that, and all you did see was this:

Let me assure you, it is a badly drawn gun with happy faces on it and stick figure people playing on it, and a row of apartments in the middle. I hope the bold hammered it into your head, cause as long as you can understand that little line of factual information, you are instantly smarter then the principal at Payne Junior High School in Arizona.

You see, a student there was drawing aimlessly and for whatever reason, drew a “fake laser”. A teacher passing by however thought it posed a threat, took the picture away from the student, sent him to the principal who in turn suspended him for 5 days.

School officials claim it “absolutely” posed a threat. Well, school officials, the day a “fake laser” drawn on a fucking piece of paper can “absolutely” pose a threat will be the same day that I take over the world.

All I would have to do is hijack commandeer a newspaper company for a day, and instead of printing actual news for a change, just printed a picture of a gun on every page. That way, I would have an army of literally billions, and it would be so easy to take over the world, because everyone would be scared of the guns on the paper.

Then, I would come out, and say, pledge allegiance to me and I will provide you with the means to combat this new unstoppable army. And I would provide free matches to all who join my real army. Then, I will be unstoppable. My army of legions will bow before me lest I forget to give them matches for the day to stop my Newspaper company from, printing pictures of guns.

Yes indeed, The pen is mightier then the sword my good friend, and I have won.

Really though, these school officials need to be, I don’t know, shot for:

  1. thinking that a drawing of a gun posed an “absolute” threat
  2. believing that a drawing of a gun posed an “absolute” threat
  3. punishing a kid for his drawing abilities

When that happens, there will be 2 less dumb people in places of power in the world, only a few billion more to go…

I just have to say... seriously WTF?!?!
Our government is so f'ing screwed up.

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