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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Future Prediction - Google Can Find Anything

A recent news leak from a Daily Mail article entitled Google is watching you says that they want to expand their mapping service to find anything with an embedded RFID chip. These will eventually be embedded in easy to lose items such as car keys, wallets, cell phones, and watches. There is also the possibility of embedding these chips in people for medical records, but they could probably also be harnessed for tracking purposes.
Google to index our lives with RFID

So, simply enter "Where are my car keys?" and Google will search through your previously entered information (I'm assuming this is a private opt-in service, otherwise it would pose serious security risks) and find it's location. Sounds like a great idea, but I'm not totally convinced how well this would work. Radio Frequency Identification chips don't emit radio frequencies, they modify a radio frequency sent to them. The range for an RFID isn't too large either.

One plan, which has already tentatively started, entails making literally everything in the world accessible at the click of a button.

....eventually, far-fetched as it sounds, Google boffins believe it can be extended to people and their personal belongings.

The idea is that we, and our treasured possessions, will be fitted with minute microchips which could be linked to the internet, via computers, by a digital radio frequency.

In this way, you would only have to type "Where is my watch" or "Find Joe Bloggs" into your PC or handheld computer, and Google could assist you.

The theory, at least, is that we will never lose anything and never be out of contact with oneanother - fine for parents wishing to check up on little Johnny at nursery, perhaps, but an unpalatable prospect for those who fear the temptation such a network would present to criminals or totalitarian regimes.

Original story here.

Yes, I am still here!

Yeah everyone, I'm still here working on the blog actively, but I am working on the backend adding everything from that nifty little calendar next to every post to the tag pool and search function. I would like to deem Griffin Content Moderator and me the head XHTML guy. I'll start posting once I finish on the backend! Cheers!