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Monday, November 5, 2007

Crysis Demo

I recently got my hands on the Crysis demo, and I am giddy about the upcoming release in under a week. The graphics look amazing even in XP, although I have an 8800, and the combat system is realistic. The fighting style is more guerrilla warfare, not tearing through scores of enemy forces like some other games are. It requires tactics, I had to cloak myself, grab an opponent and throw him at his comrade, and then shoot the other man with a sleeping dart and punch him to death because I was out of ammo.

The power suit you wear, which gets damaged in the first scene and I assume will slowly regain its abilities, a subtle throwback to Metroid Prime, consists of 5 modes:

  • A speed enhancing mode which increases your walking speed and allows you to sprint for a short time at superhuman speeds.
  • A strength mode which allows you to pick up large objects and people, jump higher, and increases your punching damage.
  • The default Maximum Armor mode, obviously
  • A cloaking mode, it degenerates faster when you move faster, and only works if used with the tactics and the utmost caution from my experience.
Just another game to put on my Christmas wish list.

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